Track Sessions

We have a couple of track running sessions on a Wednesday at Crossford Bridge track whilst Longford is resurfaced. There are two sessions in the morning – 07:00 – 07:45 and 07:45 – 08:30 and one in the evening – 19:00 – 20:00. The track running sessions are aimed at providing the highest quality workout of your training programme, under supervision of coaches, who will also help work on technique and form, through a number of specific run drills appropriate to your ability.

Track Sessions

In the mornings please make sure that you arrive at the session having completed a warm up beforehand.

For the evening session, active coaching will start at 19:15, and you are expected to have completed a minimum of 10 minutes warm up.

Coaches will be on hand from the start of the sessions if you have any questions or want some further advice and guidance.

Track Etiquette

In the evening, the track is busy with other users as we do not have exclusive use of the track, it is therefore key to remember track etiquette that applies, which includes:

  • Looking before crossing the track to make sure it is clear.
  • Warming up in the outside lanes so as to not be in the way of those who are running.
  • Run in the inside lane of the track.
  • Don’t just stop on the track at the end of your interval, check it is clear and stop off to the inside of the track or to the outside to ensure you are out of the way of other runners.
  • Don’t walk through the middle of the track to get to the other side as this is used for javelin and hammer throwing.

For further details on the rules of the track, see the signs at the venue and check with the coach.

First time

At your first session of the track, the morning group will meet around the white steps on the start line, for the evening session the coach will be around by the club house and you will normally start the session over by the hammer cage on the other side of the track.

Make sure you introduce yourself to the coach before you start running so that they can mark you off in the register and you can ask any questions that you may have.

Train to your current fitness or injury situation and don’t throw yourself into the first session, build up progressively.

Session Details

Sessions are generally done on time, so that no matter what speed you run at you will do the same amount of work, before the rest. The coach will tell you the set at the start of the session.