Cross Country

Calling all mud lovers...... these events are for you!

The club is a member of the Manchester Area XC league which includes 5 matches over the winter. The leagues website is where you will find further information and results about each of the matches.

Cross Country is a great way to keep (or find!) your running fitness over the winter. There is always a fantastic turnout from the Club, and the emphasis is firmly on having fun, with all standards, ages etc welcome. The cake at the end of the race from members may also be a draw to participating!


The running coordinator will manage affiliation, liaise with the league and keep everyone updated on how we are doing.

We also need some volunteers to help marshal at one race- and to help set up another race – please look out for this request coming out – your help is always appreciated

The league requires us to submit a list of MTC members who are going to compete. (Additional people can be added at each race but to ease the burden on the organisers they would prefer to get people registered in advance. They have also asked that we don’t just register all runners in the club as this will create unnecessary work too.)

Each of these runners will be assigned ONE number for use in ALL races.

These numbers will be collected at the first race (by the team captain) and given to each runner. The runner will be responsible for presenting themselves at each match with their number.

For anyone who isn’t competing in the first race we will bring your number to the next race. Once you have competed the number is yours to look after. (The league will charge £1 for any reissuing of numbers). Reminder NO number belts in the races please!

How do I register and what does it cost?

In order to participate you will need three things:
1. England Athletics Affiliation – this will need to be renewed each season. EA affiliation has many benefits, beyond Cross Country series. To buy your membership visit the Club’s Team Up Store – button below.

2. Pay the Race entry fee: This is £6.30 (including processing fee), and is for all 5 races, although you don’t have to race in all 5! Available in the Club’s Team Up Store – button below.

3. Club Running Vest – You will also need an MTC club running vest – these are available to buy through the Club’s Team Up Store (button below) or post in the Facebook Group or the Club’s WhatsApp Community to see if you can borrow one from someone else.

As mentioned above, all three requirements can be purchased through the Club’s Store on Team Up, which you can visit through the button below. 

When are the events?

The current season race calendar can be found below or full details on the MACCL website here:

  • Match 1 – Saturday 12th October 2024 – Heaton Park 
  • Match 2 – Saturday 9th November 2024 – Kenworthy Woods
  • Match 3 – Saturday 7 December 2024 – Woodbank Park
  • Match 4 – Saturday 11 January 2025 – Tatton Park 
  • Match 5 – Saturday 8 February 2025 – Kenworthy Woods


  • 12 noon U11 GIRLS & U11 BOYS* – 2,400 metres 
  • 12:15 pm U13 GIRLS & U13 BOYS – 3,500 metres max=3,500
  • 12.30 pm U15 GIRLS & U15 BOYS – 5,000 metres max=5,000
  • 12:50 pm U17 GIRLS & U17 BOYS – 6,500 metres max=6,500
  • 1:30 pm SENIOR, U20 & VET LADIES – 8,000 metres max=9,000
  • 2:30 pm SENIOR, U20 & VET MEN – 9,600 metres max=10,700


Is there any other information I need to know?

Spikes are recommended, but knobbly shoes will suffice- you can race in trainers… but beware of muddy/ slippy wet courses!

Bring warm clothes/ wellies/ a flask/ drink etc

As said above cake is very much encouraged for afters 🙂

We sometimes arrange an evening get together after too— anyone can do this/ just pop a note in the WhatsApp Community Group

I think that just about covers everything…..

If you have any questions get in touch on [email protected]