Policies, Rules and Constitution

Club policy statements and constitution may be downloaded here.

The following policies apply to all members of and those involved with Manchester Triathlon Club.


Manchester Triathlon Club is committed to ensuring the protection and wellbeing of all young people and adults at risk participating in Triathlon with the club. In line with this, Manchester Triathlon Club agrees to follow the British Triathlon Federation (BTF) Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy (March 2021), Triathlon England Safeguarding and Protecting Children Reporting Procedures and the Safeguarding Adults Policy and Reporting Procedures

The Clubs commitment to the British Triathlon Federation Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy can be found here: MTC Safeguarding policy statement 2021

If you have any concerns, the Clubs policy on reporting concerns can be found here: MTC Dealing with Concerns and Allegations

Equality & Diversity
Manchester Triathlon Club is committed to promoting equality and diversity and eliminating discrimination and bullying amongst all those involved with the club. In line with this, Manchester Triathlon Club agrees to follow the BTF Equality & Diversity Policy (February 2018).


Manchester Triathlon Club is committed to helping to provide a doping-free environment in the sport of Triathlon and agree to follow the BTF Clean Sport Commitment Statement.

Membership Terms and Conditions

Access a copy of the membership terms and conditions that are accepted as part of joining the club: Manchester Triathlon Club Terms and Conditions


  • If you have any queries or concerns regarding Manchester Triathlon Club’s policies or procedures, please contact our welfare officers Natasha Sutherland and Cathy Atkinson at:  [email protected] or any other member of the Committee.

Club Documents

Club Articles of Association 

Download and access the Club’s articles of association which govern the operation of the Club: MTC Memorandum and Articles – 24

Committee Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for the Manchester Triathlon Club Committee can be found here: Committee Code of Conduct

British Triathlon Code of Ethics

The British Triathlon Code of Ethics, defines how British Triathlon expect everyone in triathlon to conduct themselves whenever they are involved with swim, bike, and run and can be found here: BTF Code of Ethics

Coaches Documents

Coaches Code of Conduct

The British Triathlon Federations Coaches Code of Conduct, which applies to the Manchester Triathlon Club Coaches, can be found here: Coaches Code of Conduct

Accident Form

In the event of an accident or incident at any of the sessions, please inform the Head Coach and ensure that you either complete the online Accident/incident form (link below) or download, complete and return the accdient form to the Head Coach – [email protected].

Online Accident Form

Accident Form for Downloading