To start off and along with pictures above, Sarah post a great video on Facebook of the event, have a look at it here:

Now, you have seen the action (assuming you watched the video or where there!)  here are the thoughts and comments from the volunteers about the event:

“It was a great day – you really feel part of the club in helping to stage our annual showcase event. Spending time with new and seasoned club mates who feel the same is well up there with the happy competitor faces (especially the first-timers) for highlight of the day.”

“I had a fun morning helping out at Boundary Breeze again!

It was great to catch up with various people from the club, support such a broad range of competitors, & be part of a really well run and well regarded event (which helps the club too).”

“It is the fourth time I have helped at this event. This event amplifies the friendly helpful manor of this club which I joined when Tracie was swimming coach at the aquatics. I enjoyed the day, helping and meeting members I would not otherwise meet, a great way to get to know the club. Put me on list for next year.”

“It was nice to play a small part. I have been involved in this for around 25 years in some form or other. It is important to me. I fixed one guys bike enabling him to race. His response was to say thanks guys I couldn’t have started without you. Knowing you have helped is really satisfying”

“Still trying to find the words to sell carrying rolls of wet carpet 😂 – Response: Rolling out the carpet is great for stretching hamstrings…! 😂”

“I loved being a volunteer again at Boundary Breeze. It is such a great way to meet new people in the club (shout out to the run marshal crew!). It’s also great to spend time getting to know other club mates you normally see at sessions but don’t get a chance to speak with.”

“I am so pleased to have been able to contribute even just a tiny amount to what is a fantastically run event and, in turn, help to support the wonderful club that I love being a part of.”

“Amazing organisation again today from you Emma and Stewart! Brilliant event! Such a happy day, loved it!”

“It is a great day out with fellow club members and when you hear the feedback from the racers you know that it was all worth it and why it is an award winning event.”

“What a great day day! Thoroughly enjoyed catching up with members and helping out at this great event!”

“Great photos. And as people have said what a great day with lovely fellow club members”

“Really enjoyed it everyone well done Emma and team you were amazing 😉💪”

“Great day to spend with fellow club members”

“I enjoyed returning to my roles on swim in/run out and tail walking. Great to see so many people taking part from various clubs across the north West. Very much enjoyed my walk with the final athlete and I hope she returns again next year”

To show it’s not just the members who think it is a great day, here is an email we received from the final competitor, which shows how important the marshals are and how they can help make someones race:

“I just want to say a huge thank you to all the Marshalls and who waited for me to finish, but a special thanks to the bike guy who I hadn’t realised was there until I stopped and nearly gave up!  The lovely northern Irish lad who kept me motivated for the ‘run’ and the water station ladies for their encouragement and finally to everyone at the finish line and the cheer!
I’ll keep training and hopefully next year I’ll be a bit quicker so you can all get home sooner!
Thank you so much for giving up your Sunday.”

Here are Jacky’s thoughts on the race and some Instagram links to other racers who undertook the race:

“Boundary Breeze Triathlon 2024 – Wow what a race! Meticulous planning and organisation by the MTC Events Team, along with amazing support and hard work from all volunteers. A massive thanks to you all. I was thrilled to have taken part and to have beaten my time from last year by 5 minutes and 20 seconds. Thank you Manchester Triathlon Club!”

As this shows, it is a great event and everyone, whether racing or volunteering, has a great time. So once again a massive thank you to everyone who helped on the day and to Emma and Stewart for all their hard work in organising everything and making the day run so smoothly.

Happy training and see you at a session or a Club event volunteering.
