The Deva Divas ladies only triathlon, aquathlon and quadrathlon is organised by Chester Triathlon Club ( The aim of these popular, award winning events is to encourage more ladies, whatever their age, ability and fitness to take part in short distance races. There is a feeling of camaraderie, encouragement and support amongst all competitors, friends, family, volunteers, marshals and the organisers.

14th July 2024 – Race Day – We all set off in convoy arriving at Chester Meadows at an ungodly hour! So early in fact that Jacky, still half asleep, put her triathlon suit on the wrong way round, and Michelle left her wetsuit in transition after it had closed and had to sweet talk her way back in to collect it!

Some of us hadn’t really prepared for the sprint distance triathlon race and some had only just signed up! But it didn’t matter as we all had other stuff going on in our lives, family stuff, house stuff, holiday stuff, work stuff and we just wanted to have fun and do our best on race day.

During the 750m downstream open water swim in the River Dee many participants were doing all sorts of swim strokes and chatting at the same time. The swim start was very relaxed and those who wanted to take it easy could and those who wanted to do more could also find a line and go for it.

The friendly marshals expertly guided us out onto the mainly flat bike course. It was a 25km out and back route which meant we could spot and support each other and other participants. Also Gill, who does like to smile and wave at the photographer on the bike course, achieved her goal.

It was also easy to cheer each other on and for supporters to encourage us during the two lap 5km run through the meadows. There was a water station, so plenty of opportunity to hydrate if needed. When the finish line came into sight we knew we’d done it and crossed the line to cheers with big smiles on our faces. What an amazing day shared with family and friends.

This was Josie’s first ever triathlon and after crossing the finish line with a huge grin on her face said “that was ace”. This is certainly a great race for those new to triathlon.

Kate also flew over the finish line, catching some air and said “It really was a lovely day out. Thank you all for sharing your day with me”

Jacky was thrilled with her race and achieved a PB on this course.

Having achieved her cycling goal, Gill said “what a great day, sport is a very good healer, as is spending time with lovely people”

Elizabeth also achieved her goal of smiling and waving all the way round and enjoying the day.

Michelle also proved that this is a race for experienced triathletes too. She really likes this event and has raced it a number of times.

This is a race recommended to us by many Manchester Triathlon Club members, so we are recommending it to all MTC women, see you on the Deva Divas start line on 6th July 2025.

Many thanks to:
– Sally Napthen – Deva Divas Race Director, Chester Triathlon Club
– All volunteers, marshals and supporters
– Mick Hall Photos for the great photos
– Danny from Retinair for the official race day video This is a great video, you really get a feeling of the race. The joy, fun, determination, the commitment to doing our best and that it is truly a race for all women. You can see the friendships, celebration with family and friends, and the relief of going over the finish line.

by Gill Ford, Elizabeth King, Jacky Taylor, Josie White, Michelle Wilder and Kate Woodward-Nutt