RTTC National 100-Mile Championship Keswick – 14th July 2024

My A Race is the Geordieman Full Aquabike at the beginning of the September, so I entered the 100-mile TT Champs as an opportunity to get some practice on my TT in a competitive environment, I had also ridden the course as it is part of the Lakesman bike leg so had a good idea what to expect.

As one of the slower riders my start time was 7:03 which meant an overnight stay in a little B&B just outside Penrith. Up at 5:30am for my pre-race breakfast which is always porridge and yoghurt then on the road just after 6. I thought I would have plenty of time but couldn’t find the race HQ as it turns out Braithwaite Village Hall isn’t in Braithwaite Village! Got to HQ with 20 minutes to spare just enough time to sign on pin my numbers on and leg it to the start line which was a mile away.

Phew warm up done and Adrenalin rush, once off I quickly overtook the rider in front and was feeling good, the first 5 miles went quick at >20mph pace and I started to think I might be able to finish inside 5 hours, but then you start realising this is going to be a slog as it is basically four 25 mile laps on the A66. The weather was a bit iffy, headwind in places and showers on and off with the temperature around 12 deg C, I was glad of my mesh vest, arm sleeves and calf guards.

Nothing to do but divide the ride into a series of chunks just like Nick’s morning swim sets “variety is for the weak minded” and all that. Each lap I could see my pace coming down slowly. One by one the faster riders came past me mostly offering words of encouragement mixed in with gallows humour. It was good to hear a friendly voice when Rob Meadows passed me on lap 3 which gave me a boost for the last lap which seemed to go on for a long time especially after the last turn. Eventually the chequered flag came into sight and I could come off the bars and soft pedal the last couple of miles into HQ.

My time was 5 hrs 25 minutes, 5 minutes off a PB so ok in the conditions, my target is 6 hours for the Geordieman bike leg. When I got to the HQ and looked at the finish board, I was down at the bottom but not last and clearly in the company of some seriously fast time trialists. Later I found out that John Archibald (brother of Kate Archibald) had broken the course record. There was also a number of riders in my AG who hadn’t finished, sensible folk no doubt lured into HQ on one of their laps.

Things to take away, my nutrition strategy of 3 mixed gel and hydration bottles worked well, time trials are tough but great race preparation, both physically and mentally. At £40 for over 5 hours of type 2 fun at a marshalled event with food and hot drinks at the end, they are good value.